Australistan has come. Are we next, America?

Ian's Mind

The Distraction disruption is erupting around you, clouding your thinking, your discernment. “I want you to see Me, know Me, but you would not have it.” God’s call to you? Do you sense it? If Cryptic Storm speaks to you now, will you hear Him? Is the Distraction lie the greatest lie of all 7 Deadly Ds because you never know it’s happening? Have you been captivated by its allure, American? Denial refuses to accept the truth, and Distractions embrace a replacement reality. Both displace The Truth with artificial truth—false reality. Time is short. Very short.

The replacement reality of Distractions—whether an escape into drugs and alcohol to numb the senses, fantasy escape into modern culture with all its anomalies (including the myth of a utopia where there are no sexes) and spurious religions which numb the spirit, or any other form of mental impairment—are always intended to captivate the…

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